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CAR Hacking Course Free Download

CAR Hacking Course Free Download

Content : 1) Introduction the course 2) About author 3) Why car Hacking? 4) Is Car hacking Legal Or illegal? 5) Existing Research About Car Hacking 6) Into to The CAN & ECU 7) Open-Source toolkits for Car Hacking 8) Which OS you need for car hacking? 9) Install Kali Linux 10) How to Install ICSim? 11) How to setup Icsim? 12) How to Start ICSIM and Learn Some commends? 13) Capturing CAN Traffic with CanSniffer 14) The Replay Attack_ Replaying CAN Packets with CANplayer 15) Playing around with the car Signal 16) Taking Over The Signal Light 17) Taking Over Your Speedometer 18) Taking Control Over Your Car Doors 19) Unlocking cars Without car Key with hackrf 20) Where we put Hardware tools to hack car 21) Hack hacking with OBD2 Tool in Mobile 22) How to start car without car key with OBD2 Scanner? 23) Bones Video (Simple replay attack with HackRF) 24) Using HackRF with Portapack on a RC Mouse 25) Transmitting voice with hackrf 26) The Car Hacker’s Handbook_ A Guide for the Penetration Tester