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Web Development Course Free Download

Web Development Course Free Download

Course Topics:

1. Font-End Web Development 2. Introduction to HTML 3. Intermediate HTML 4. Introduction CSS 5. Intermediate CSS 6. Introduction to Bootstrap 4 7. Intermediate Bootstrap 8. Introduction to Javascript ES6 9. Intermediate Javascript 10. The Document Object Model(DOM) 11. Boss Level Challenge 1 12. Advanced JAVASCRIPT and DOM Manipulate 13. JQuery 14. Boss Level Challenge 2 The Simon Game 15. The Unix Command Line 16. Backend Web Development 17. Node.js 18 Express.js with Node.js 19. Git GitHub and version Control 20. APIs Application Programming Interfaces 21. EJS 22. Boss Level Challeange 3 Website 23. Databases 24. SQL 25. MongoDB 26. Mongoose 27. Putting Everything Together 28. Deploying Your web Application 29. Boss Level Challenge 4 30. Build Your Own Restful API From scratch 31. Authentication & Security 32. Bonus Module Design School 101 33. Bonus Module Ask Angela Anything 34. Next Steps